Vday crafting

Happy Valentine's Day! Whatever it means to you, or doesn't mean, it's a reason to be crafty, so I can't get too annoyed at all the hype.

Last weekend I collected a bunch of crafty materials and opened up my space to whoever wanted to drop by for hot chocolate and (mostly paper) crafts. Also having the Princess Bride running on my TV didn't hurt.

We had all sorts of paper - some I'd scavenged from various spots around campus, some dug out of my drawers of random stuff, and some brought by crafty girls.


Stickers, tissue paper, markers, crayons, glitter sticks...


More stickers, buttons, yarn, ribbon...


Frankly, anything I had lying around that I thought might work for gluing onto paper, it was out.

And we had a lot of fun. One of my craftiest residents brought a couple of very cool quarterly obscure literary magazines that had stories and quotations printed on some nice cardstock so we might have gone to town cutting those up and using the images and text.

Hopefully we can do this again, it went over well and I had a ton of fun, plus it was productive.


Have a lovely day, tell someone you love them!



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