The Summer 2008 Interweave Knits Preview is up. I don't check these things regularly (though as soon as I know they're available I get right over there!) - I saw it by accident on Ravelry. Really. Now, go and look and form some opinions and then come back here. I'll wait. here's a space taking up picture:


This is probably the last we'll see of this for awhile - secret project, you know. You can see more on Ravelry but as far as this blog goes it will be awhile.

Ok, you checked out IK?

I think this issue is very different from the spring issue, which was chock full of short sleeved cardigans in small gauges. Seriously, I think there were at least four. I liked one or two very much but it seemed like overkill. Now, in this issue, I'm a little divided. First off, I like the Roped Shell very much, the Plaid Halter is intriguing for a simple colorwork piece (me being a colorwork novice) but I would change the neckline. The Wakame Lace Tunic is stunning. But I would never force myself to enter an insane asylum by attempting such a piece, I think.

Hmm, that seems to be all my praise. I think there is a lot of colorwork here, and that may turn off a lot of people, including yours truly. Also, a couple of pieces (Elinor Tunic, Wallis Cardigan) really make an effort to draw the eye to the mid-section - stomach & hips - which I am sure few people will find attractive. I spend my fashion capital emphasizing other parts of my figure, personally. They look nice enough on slender models but I'm thinking they're not going to work for other shapes.

In the end, this is probably a good thing. I have patterns still from the spring issue I'd like to knit (esp the Sylph cardigan, which I love but cannot afford the yarn for! Tried swatching for it with a cone of my satin bamboo from Halcyon yarns but it needs a larger yarn, really) and not being distracted by a new load of summer patterns won't hurt me. Too much else to knit right now!

Ah, quick Lotus Blossom update - last night I managed to drop a st in the lace patt without noticing (I usually notice right away, I could kick myself) and the st naturally turned into two sts because there had been a ssk or something a couple of rows back and then I had to try to repair it. This pattern is just not working well for me. I do love the shape of the tank so much though! I managed to pick the sts back up and work them up to the current row - well enough that I could tell, but it wouldn't be obvious later on, I think (I really thought for a few minutes I would have to tear the whole thing out and start over) and I kept going. After working the five garter st rows after the first lace rep was finished I knit onto a spare Options cable so I could try the thing on, with half the sts on one cable and half on the other. It's too big.

It's 20" across, laid flat and not really stretched (40" total). Now, this is only a little bigger than my hip measurement but I put it over a tank top, as I would plan to wear it, and it could fall right over my hips. Ugh. I think this pattern is not destined to happen until I can get a better yarn. Gah. Frustrating thing is, I have subbed this yarn for the recommended SWTC bamboo before. On a slightly smaller needle, yes. Clearly this yarn cannot be knit on anything larger than about a three. Grh.

Beautiful day here. Time more knitting with my coffee before I start my list of things that need to happen today.


  1. colorwork is eunny's thing so i'm not surprised it's slowly starting to take over IK. unfortunately, like you, it's not MY thing either. oh well.

    i do rather like the wallis cardi but totally see your point re: midwaist. i think i would actually make that one shorter so that the bottom textured band would cover - and hide - the tummy. why is the model sitting in all of the shots? my guess is that the length is wonky!

    i really like roped shell and plaid halter too but i know i'll never make 'em. ah well. enough in the queue as it is.

    happy knitting!

  2. wallis does look pretty. on the teeny tiny model they have anyways :) i wish they would show knits on actual people since they can be so unforgiving.

  3. by the way, "pnca" = "celena" -- wrong account. oops!


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