almost fell down

today! today! My ballwinder from JoAnn's should arrive today!! The UPS site says it's on the truck and headed my way... I should do something productive NOW so I can excuse myself for winding yarn all afternoon! neatening, tidying up sloppy stash yarn... I have been waiting a long time to get around to getting a ball winder. Even found a great antique wooden swift in February and bought it on borrowed cash despite having no ball winder! After joining the Yarn Pirate Booty Club though I knew I needed to Fix The Situation.

I have been really putting most of my online crafting time into getting projects up on Ravelry (LOVE IT!) so I will intersperse this post with pictures of current WIPs in case you're not on Ravelry yet, dear reader. Comments appreciated.

Over the weekend I was sorely tempted to Fall Down Hard. The damage was not too great in the end though as I simply took advantage of free June shipping at Fuzzy Mabel and ordered a baker's dozen (ok, fuzzy dozen) of Elsebeth Lavold Hempathy, mostly in chocolate but with two skeins each of turquise and sand.

Good news! I just looked at the Fuzzy Mabel site again and they've extended their free shipping through July! Hop to it, people!!

The other things I was really thinking about ordering included lots of yarn from Elann, either the Lara cotton or Sonata. I can't decide which cotton looks nicer. I have a number of projects in mind for some nice cotton yarn but I am trying to resist and just get back to my LYS and pick up the Mission Falls cotton I promised I was going to buy once the full line of colors came in... The owner had most of the line but not the musk warm brown color I was interested in for designing a summer weight vest... She has had all along however the dark peridot-olive green I have been thinking about getting to designa summer top for me! She also has mentioned giving me 10% off after I told a bunch of people about the grand opening sale and they travelled across the state to spend moolah in our wee town... it's a reward discount, I guess. Need to use it before it is forgotten! Hopefully tonight at knit night.

I currently have about four small WIPs. I enjoy larger WIPs more as I can crack away at them without thinking about it too much. Hence I had a great time knitting Intolerable Cruelty.
I'm working on Fetching, Branching Out, My So-Called Scarf (in sash form) and a beaded cuffed bracelet a la Perdita that I swatched a 'dragon skin' swatch for over the weekend--I tried using Barbara Walker's pattern of that name but I wasn't happy with how long the pattern repeats were, I wanted smaller scales for my purposes, so I got out some graph paper and actually tried my hand for the first time at charting the pattern myself. It basically worked, so I was proud of myself. Here's my sample swatch.

I also reblocked my Perdita just for kicks. It is saggy after it is worn. I need to starch it or something to make it pretty and all-the-time-wearable. I certainly don't have time to be reblocking things!!

I also joined the Mystery Stole KAL no. 3, apparently now at over 4000 members. Pattern clues (chunks of chart) get emailed on Fridays. Except the week the new HP comes out. (We preordered last weekend, phew!) Knitters get a break to read the book and then continue knitting. Despite not being a lace knitter (see: progress of my Branching Out) I have been looking at ordering lace weight yarn in about ten different places over the last two days. I have been thinking about ordering the necessary 1200 yards of laceweight.

Despite not being a lace knitter.

Despite not having time for lace knitting!

Despite having a dozen other projects I'd like to knit first!!

Other projects being
(a) easier
(b) more practical
(c) not totally insane.

Lace knitting with beads? Before I even know what the thing will look like in the end, assuming no massive mistakes? Perhaps I'll be more on track for next year's KAL. I just love the idea of the mystery, I can't help it!!
